We pride ourselves in the quality and standards of the catering we offer at Peat Rigg and work to ensure all our clients are provided with the nutrition requirements needed to excel at all activities. We believe in the value of communal meal times as a developmental tool and a vessel to share experiences of the activities we provide.
Our catering team will always ensure the menu throughout your programme is varied and prepared to the highest of standards. They are experts in developing menus for individuals with specific nutritional needs, ensuring food safety where allergies are concerned and taking into account cultural considerations of food preparation.
Safety is of upmost important to us which is why we are a nut-aware centre.

At Peat Rigg we produce a large proportion of the food we prepare. With a substantial vegetable plot and horticulture area as well as chickens, pigs and sheep; Not only will you be tasting great food, but through our Health and Well-being programme you will have the opportunity to learn more about growing food and managing livestock.
Below is an example of what may be on offer during a typical day at Peat Rigg