Secondary Schools students can take on a more demanding set of objectives.
Under experienced supervision they can take on a higher degree of ownership by having more demanding roles and responsibilities.
We regularly run courses for GCSE and A level PE and also for BTEC Sport.
We also offer a fantastic Duke of Edinburgh programme.
We provide the coaching and assessment in the subject areas that are relevant to your exam board, and give students the opportunity to gain high practical marks.
To devise a course that meets your needs and values we will talk to you about which course themes are appropriate. We will then add into the mix your Schools priorities, the season and the appropriate degree of challenge.
Secondary Schools students can take on a more demanding set of objectives.
Under experienced supervision they can take on a higher degree of ownership by having more demanding roles and responsibilities.
We regularly run courses for GCSE and A level PE and also for BTEC Sport.
We provide the coaching and assessment in the subject areas that are relevant to your exam board, and give students the opportunity to gain high practical marks.
To devise a course that meets your needs and values we will talk to you about which course themes are appropriate. We will then add into the mix your Schools priorities, the season and the appropriate degree of challenge.

Personal responsibility and leadership
Increased confidence and raised self-esteem
Improved teamwork and improved relationships
The chance to demonstrate determination and resilience
An enhanced appreciation of the natural environment